Upcoming meetings and events.
Northwest Civic Association holds regular monthly meetings, annual meetings, special meetings, and several events throughout the year. Meeting agendas are posted on our home page shortly before each meeting, and meeting minutes are posted here about a month afterward, pending trustees’ approval. Please come and join us!
Regular Meetings
During regular monthly meetings, guest speakers present topics of local interest, and the Trustees deliberate on re-zoning and graphics variance applications, during which the public is encouraged to participate with questions and feedback.
Our regular monthly meetings begin promptly at 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, (occasionally we take a month off) at the Northwest Church of the Nazarene, 5707 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43235. The public is welcome, except when the board meets in executive session. Beginning with our April 6, 2022 meeting, we will be meeting in person with a Zoom option for members of the public who still prefer to attend virtually.
Below are the recent regular meeting agenda and minutes. If needed, you can request earlier documents by email.

March NWCA Meeting
The March NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Topic: NWCA March Meeting
Time: Mar 5, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 7902 0775
Passcode: 147225
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,89879020775#,,,,*147225# US
+13092053325,,89879020775#,,,,*147225# US
Dial by your location
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdHjoHdmaZ

February NWCA Meeting
The February NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
We will have visitors from the Ohio Wildlife Center.
Topic: NWCA February Meeting
Time: Feb 5, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 5490 9324
Passcode: 203596
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,81154909324#,,,,*203596# US
+13126266799,,81154909324#,,,,*203596# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kVZWB3dwv

January NWCA Meeting
Because the first Wednesday of January was New Year’s Day, we have moved the date to the following Tuesday.
The January NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Presentation about vounteer water monitor organizations (FLOW and SWAG)

No December Meeting
The NWCA December Meeting has been canceled. Join us in January for a whole new year!
Remember that annual memberships are according to calendar year. Here is the membership form.
In the meantime, Happy Holidays!

October NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Topic: NWCA October Meeting
Time: Oct 2, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 1811 4890
Passcode: 714616
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,89318114890#,,,,*714616# US
+13126266799,,89318114890#,,,,*714616# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdxB6rzSFZ

September NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Minutes (pending)

Normally, this would be a notice of our monthly meeting, however this month we’re taking a vacation. Hope you can too!
In the meantime, see us at the International Festival on August 3rd.
See you in September!

Bethel International Festival
Enjoy a fun-filled day of live music, delicious food, and exciting games at the Bethel International Festival! Local schools and Children's Hospital Mobil Unit will provide information and services for community members. Translators will be available.

Scioto Watershed Action Group (SWAG) Meeting
The next meeting of the Scioto Watershed Action Group (SWAG) is Wednesday, July 17th, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at FSWCD office 1404 Goodale Blvd Ste 100.
SWAG meets every third Wednesday of the month and they have hybrid meetings. Email sciotowatershedactiongroupmembers@googlegroups.com for more information.

NWCA July Meeting
NOTE that we are changing the date of the meeting to July 10th to avoid the evening before July 4th.
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
We will be presenting the Anna Mildred Henderson Award to Veronica Garrity and get an update on the status of the West Case Road Park (aka The Historic Sheep Farm Park).

NWCA Annual Meeting
The Northwest Civic Association (NWCA) will hold their 2024 Annual Meeting on June 5th at 7:00 PM at Northwest Church of the Nazarene, 5707 Olentangy River Road. The Annual Meeting will feature a Town Hall where you can ask questions and talk about concerns. This year, there is quite a bit happening that can have big effects on our neighborhood--Zone In, Envision Henderson, LinkUS.
We will also be awarding the Anna Mildred Henderson Award for the first time in a few years.
Plus, The Refectory has very generously agreed to provide food for the meeting as they have for a number of years.
We encourage you to attend in person if possible.

NWCA Special Meeting
There will be a special Zoom only meeting to hear the following zoning variance and graphics applications on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 6:30 pm. If you have questions about either of these applications, please email NWCAzoning@gmail.com.
1) BZA24-045: A zoning variance has been requested for 1071 Beechview Dr N to permit an addition on a private home, which currently encroaches on a side yard setback.
2) Second hearing on tabled application GC23-046: Graphics variances have been requested for 1329-47 Bethel Rd (Noble Academy) to allow window graphics and signage that exceed the amount allowed by the graphics code.

May NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Minutes for May 20 Zoning Meeting
Reminder: Membership dues for NWCA have increased for 2024. Individual memberships will be $20.00 per year and associate membership (for people located outside our coverage area or for any business or organization) will be $40.00. Apply online (and send a check) or use this paper form.

Total Solar Eclipse
Don’t miss this once in a lifetime event! Get your special glasses (NOT regular sunglasses) and see the world go dark in a way that hasn’t happened here for 200 years and won’t happen again for another hundred. See the path this amazing natural phenomenon will take.
Library to Offer Free Eclipse Glasses beginning March 18th
Several Columbus parks promise breathtaking views. As you visit, please respect fellow eclipse-watchers and park regulations: drive cautiously, do not park on the grass, and carry out trash.
Safely enjoy the eclipse with complimentary glasses courtesy of COSI! Grab yours at a nearby community center while supplies endure! Find a community center near you.

April NWCA Meeting
Reminder: Membership dues for NWCA have increased for 2024. Individual memberships will be $20.00 per year and associate membership (for people located outside our coverage area or for any business or organization) will be $40.00. Apply online (and send a check) or using this paper form.

Kick Butt Columbus! - Trash Cleanup
Mark your calendars for Saturday March 9th, 2024, from 9 am-12 pm to clean up our community.
KickButtColumbus! is Keep Columbus Beautiful's annual Spring highway ramp clean-up event created to remove blighted conditions from our city's exit and entry ramps after winter thaw and raise awareness about the hazards of cigarette butt litter to the environment.
All supplies will be provided.
You can register at the following link: KickButtColumbus! 2024 Registration - Google Forms

March NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Guest: Jon Heider, Senior Planner, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC)
MORPC leads the region in developing the 2024-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), which identifies priority transportation infrastructure investments in the central Ohio region for the next 25 years. As part of the plan development process, we would like to share the strategies and projects proposed to be included in the 2024-2050 MTP.
MORPC Survey about housing: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LeadersListenHousing

February NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Guest Speaker: Franklin County Auditor, Michael Stinziano will give us some information about home valuations, taxes, and the Board of Revisions. Columbus Dispatch article by Auditor Stinziano.
Guest Speaker materials
o 2074 Bethel Rd. (GC23-047) - 3 variances to modify an existing ground sign at Crown Point Plaza to add 2 tenant panels, which would increase the total square footage and graphic area beyond the maximum allowed.
o 743 Bethel Rd. (GC23-051) - 1 variance to add a third illuminated sign for Coco's within Olentangy Plaza; the proposed sign is 68.27SF and the maximum allowed is 31.84SF.
Community Mic
A regular meeting segment invites community members to tell us what is on their minds and bring forward ideas for community enhancement.
Reminder: Membership dues for NWCA have increased for 2024. Individual memberships will be $20.00 per year and associate membership (for people located outside our coverage area or for any business or organization) will be $40.00. Apply online or using this paper form.

January NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Guest Speaker: A representative from Community Refugee & Immigration Services (CRIS) will talk about their services and history. CRIS recently moved into the Northwest Columbus area.
Community Mic
A regular meeting segment invites community members to tell us what is on their minds and bring forward ideas for community enhancement.
Reminder: Membership dues for NWCA have increased for 2024. Individual memberships will be $20.00 per year and associate membership (for people located outside our coverage area or for any business or organization) will be $40.00. Apply online or using this paper form.
Happy New Year!

December NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Guest Speaker: Letitia Cetina, Transportation Planner, Division of Mobility & Parking Services, City of Columbus will speak to us about the Bike Plus plan, survey, and map.
Zoning/Variances – Monica/Zoning Committee
o 6481 Nicholas Dr. (BZA23-130) - Variance to reduce the parking setback to 5 feet from 50 feet to allow for the creation of 22 new parking spaces.
We now have a regular ‘Community Mic’ during the meeting. This is an opportunity for you to voice your concerns and ideas. Notes from the December Community Mic
Reminder: Membership dues for NWCA have increased for 2024. Individual memberships will be $20.00 per year and associate membership (for people located outside our coverage area or for any business or organization) will be $40.00. Apply online or using this paper form.

November NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.

October NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Guest Speaker:
Amy Densborn, SWACO will talk about the status of recycling in Franklin County, what’s accepted and not accepted, how recycling promotes a healthier environment, where our everyday recyclables go in Ohio to become new products, and how we can go beyond recycling to make a difference.
Zoning Applications:
980 Old Henderson Rd: requesting rezoning from C-2 to AR-3 to build 40 apartment units and council variance to reduce setbacks and screening requirements. We tabled this last month and will revisit with some changes.
Updates on zoning requests:
6016 Buffalo Head Trail: variance application is being pulled for lack of movement; will proceed in Environmental Court
919 Old Henderson Rd + 980 Old Henderson Road: applications will be heard by Development Commission on 12 October (meeting begins at 4:30pm)
5335 Harvest St: BZA approved the variance for the garage addition on 26 September

September NWCA Meeting
The regular NWCA Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Guest Speakers:
Amy Densborn, SWACO will talk about the status of recycling in Franklin County, what’s accepted and not accepted, how recycling promotes a healthier environment, where our everyday recyclables go in Ohio to become new products, and how we can go beyond recycling to make a difference. (Unable to attend)
Ray Leard, The Compost Exchange will briefly explain his service.
New Zoning Applications:
919 Old Henderson Rd: requesting rezoning from CPD to AR-1 to build 69 apartment units and council variance to reduce setbacks and screening requirements
980 Old Henderson Rd: requesting rezoning from C-2 to AR-3 to build 40 apartment units and council variance to reduce setbacks and screening requirements
5335 Harvest St: requesting variance to reduce front building setback by 13'

August NWCA Meeting - Cancelled
The regular NWCA Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom is cancelled.

July NWCA Meeting
The July NWCA Meeting will be on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Zoning/Variances – New process being implemented by Zoning Committee to streamline hearings. - Monica
1741 Marshlyn Ct. (BZA23-057) – Reduce rear yard requirement from 25% to 14.5% of lot to allow for a split-level deck.
6061 Buffalo Head Trail (BZA22-035) – Two variances to permit current shrubs to be taller than permitted near street and in the ‘clear vision triangle’ near an intersection.
915 Greenridge Rd.(BZA23-062) — Variance for a recently built fence that is taller and more opaque than permitted.
5085 Reed Rd. (BZA23-058) — Variance to eliminate requirement for parking and headlight screening between the parking lot and Northcrest Park.

NWCA Annual Meeting - NOTE Time Change for Zoning
NWCA is holding their 2023 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, June 7th at the Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road). Because we also have two zoning hearings, we will have those at 6:00 PM, then begin our program at 7:00 PM. The program will feature a Town Hall to solicit input from our community members about local concerns and priorities. We want to hear from you. Columbus City Council reaches out to NWCA for feedback and this is your opportunity to AMPLIFY YOUR VOICE!
We will have light refreshments, including some from the Refectory. All are welcome to the zoning portion and the Annual Meeting.
We will vote on trustees and other matters. Join us in person or via Zoom.
Annual Report from the President
Trustee Candidates (Term: 2023-2025)

Hazardous Waste Disposal
You can dispose of hazardous waste on Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the City of Dublin Fleet Maintenance Building (6351 Shier Rings Rd.). See SWACO for accepted items.

May NWCA Meeting
The May NWCA Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 7:00 pm at Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and via Zoom.
Guest Speakers:
Staff from Zone In Columbus will update us about the effort to modernize our zoning code to make development smarter and more equitable. There will be opportunities for residents, property owners, and business owners to weigh in.
Bradley Westall from the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department will tell us about the status of the West Case Road Park (AKA The Sheep Farm).
1041-1101 Bethel Rd. (ZA23-001 (amending Z08-040A) Bethel-Kenny Center wants to amend its existing site plan to add 1) a 1,540 square foot restaurant patio; 2) a 8’x12’ walk in freezer; and 3) a 10’x10’ walk-in freezer.