Special Agenda
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 – 6:00 PM
Northwest Church of the Nazarene (5707 Olentangy River Road) and Zoom
NOTE: We will hear zoning applications from 6:00 PM to 7:00PM; at 7:00 PM we will turn over our meeting to the Columbus Metropolitan Libraries to talk about the planned library at West Case Road Park (aka the Historic Sheep Farm)
Zoning/Variance (6:00 PM)
6518 Fiesta Dr (BZA25-012) -- Applicant is seeking variances to allow an on-site staging area for vehicles: a variance to allow an 80 foot setback instead of the required 125 foot setback from the center of the Fiesta Dr, a variance to allow a 10ft setback instead of the required 25 ft setback from the south property line, and a variance to allow a 14 foot setback instead of the required 25 foot setback from the north-east property line.
3368 Chetwood Place (BZA25-024) – Applicant is seeking variances to reduce required side yards in order to allow replacement of a deck and stairway at an existing egress door that is 6 feet above grade.
Columbus Metropolitan Library (7:00 PM)
Guest: Matt Brown, Senior Project Manager, Capital Planning & Project Management Columbus Metropolitan Library – Presentation and community input into the new library to be built at the West Case Road Park.