Redesigning the Columbus Zoning Code

Undesign the Redline is an interactive exhibit that will take you through the tangled roots of our city’s redlining past. We also will have a discussion on changes to the City of Columbus zoning code as we look to reshape zoning in our city. We hope to see you at the next event!

Go to update/​to learn more.

Undesign the Redline is an interactive exhibit that explores the history of structural racism caused by the 1938 redlining maps and how this inequality continues to impact our communities today, focusing on the ways in which we can come together to “undesign” these systems with intentionality.

Systemic challenges today, like inequalities in housing, education, income, criminal justice, and health are far from separate issues. These challenges are rooted in a deep and entangled history of policies, practices, and processes that remain hidden and misunderstood.  

Undesign the Redline explores these challenges, reframes them as opportunities, and grounds discussions about race, wealth, opportunity, and power in an honest context that is not about guilt and blame.  

This allows everyone to contribute value to the design and development of new projects, partnerships, and decisions that seek to transform communities and move beyond the challenging – and often clouded – situation of our entangled past.

The Undesign the Redline exhibit travels nationally to cities, towns, and communities. It has been localized for Columbus by a committee of local experts and historians, and it will be here for the next several months so that we can learn together, activate, and mobilize into a strong “we” capable of transformation.

For the event schedule, go to:


December NWCA Meeting


2023 Franklin County Budget