Capital Projects for NW Columbus

A few months ago, the NWCA Trustees put together a few suggestions for the Columbus Capital Budget. Most of these have been requested before. Responses from various city departments are listed below.

If you have your own suggestions, please let NWCA know either by emailing us or mentioning them at a meeting. It is also useful to report road problems, including potholes; dangerous roadways; missing or damaged sidewalks, etc. to the 311 phone, website, email, or app.

2024 Capitol Budget Requests from NWCA

1.     Sidewalks and/or multiuse path on West Case Road, including the widening of West Case Rd to include a turn lane into The West Case Road Park (aka The Historic Sheep Farm Park) and a reduction of the speed limit. These changes will also make it safer for fire and safety vehicles to get where they need to go.

2.     Sidewalk or multi-use path on Reed between Henderson and Bethel and the full length of Francisco Road from Reed to Kenny Road.

3.     The parking lot and roads in Bill McDonald/Anheuser Busch park all need to be repaved. Huge potholes throughout.

4.     Sidewalks on Dierker Road from Bethel to Antiqua Drive.

5.     Fix very bumpy pavement on Krier Drive on west side of intersection with Sawmill Road and fill in gaps where sidewalks are missing on both sides of Sawmill from Bethel to 161.

City Responses to NWCA Requests

CRPD Response to Request #1: The design of West Case Park and neighborhood connections, will prioritize pedestrian and vehicle safety.

CRPD Response to Request #3: Your request has been recorded. We’ve identified this area as needing hard surface improvements. It will be included in a design package with other locations and, depending on costs and conditions, will be part of a future construction project.

DPS Response to request #5: The pavement at Krier and Sawmill was recently repaired by our crews, who did a short fix for bumpy areas. A larger repair was done in June, and Krier Drive is on the 2023 Crack Seal list.


September NWCA Meeting


NWCA On Vacation